Tyranitessa – Artist Appreciation

“I feel like we live in a time where everything moves so fast and every aspect of our lives is constantly changing. That’s true for me too, however, art has always stayed the same. It’s timeless, and it’s my escape.

Before I joined this team I swear I got in trouble at every workplace position I had because I would be caught drawing instead of working and now.. working IS drawing, and it’s something I get to share with all of you within the World of NomNom.” -Tessa

Tessa was one of the first people to join the Senpai Studio team. She wanted nothing more than to have her art on cards. Tessa wanted to be part of our TCG, and it’s safe to say that the last 2 years would have been hard without her. Her services to the project have been nothing short of amazing! From her management skills, to her artistic side and creativity, Tessa helps keep the team’s heads on straight. She is extremely passionate and persistent when she puts her mind to something, and we are blessed to have such kind and amazing person on the team.

Happy Birthday Tessa! We love you!


The Golden Idols are 5 of NomNom’s most important Relics. These Relics are not simply just floating golden objects, but in fact exist as ancient keys hidden away from the inhabitants of NomNom and protected by its natural forces. To what end does this natural protection reach? Some questions are best to be left unanswered, and some doors are best to be left closed…”
– SenpaiStudio via Discord (5/22/24)