“Donovan Diaz is a professional indie game developer and 2D artist based out of Portland OR! From his conceptual work for NomNom, to his final illustrations for sectors, there are many ways Donovan has been able to lend his talents to the World of NomNom! Needless to say, Donny is an extremely hard working artist, and we look forward to seeing his artwork evolve!
Zoe’s Garage! Located in the Southern Slums of Mt. City, Zoe’s Garage has become a reputable hub for Artifact needs and Repairs. Owned and Operated by Zoe Branch, the famed young Artificer, the Garage also doubles as Kaiju Hunting House #037 where Zoe assists her little brother Ralph perform his Kaiju Hunting Duties!
Belmonti’s Arcanum! Rumor has it that Belmonti’s secret Arcanum is the most advanced research facility in all of Mt. City. With tools, mutagens and tech that are years ahead of even the highly funded MagiCorp. Labs. However, this is only speculation. The Arcanum’s operator, the mysterious genius, Belmonti, seems to be in tune with the ideals and concepts of NomNom’s long lost civilizations….
Dino Mart! Dino Mart has become Mt. City’s one-stop-shop for all your Dino needs! Head on down to Dino Mart, where they put the NOM in Dino Mart!”
– Senpai | Benjamin via Discord (6/27/24)