These are some of the many card arts shared by the NomNom Team. Enjoy looking through them as we anticipate the fulfillment of the Kickstarter Project in February!
Author: CutthroatNomster
Ziegler & the Nothing Race
Nothings love learning, taking things apart, and putting them back together. Ziggler and Belmonti are great examples of the two different kinds of Nothings.
Udoni, the Slimernaut Chef
As we count down the final hours of 2024, we’ve got one last surprise to share: a sneak peek at Udoni, the Slimernaut Chef!
King Regulos, the Monarch of Destruction
In the annals of Kaiju history, one name strikes fear into the hearts of all…. King Regulos, the Monarch of Destruction.
Grand Azura
Shrouded in mystery and power, Grand Azura stands as a sentinel of the Northern Frost…
Discord Update Stream 12/30/24
Kickstarter Printing is still on track and the team has more progress photos to share!
Community Update Stream 12/23/24
The NomNom team held a live Discord event to discuss the Kickstarter print process and what to expect from the team in the new year!
Kris Kampmann – Artist Appriciation
We’re so excited to share that Kris Kampmann has joined the NomNom Verse as a guest artist!
Sebastian Botello – Artist Appreciation
We’re excited to announce that Sebastian Botello has lent his incredible talents to the NomNom Verse as our final guest artist for Kickstarter Base Set!
Beta Starter Decks and Playmats Ship!
Shipping for Backer Care-Packages has been underway as of Monday this week!