NomNom Race: Modder

The Modder race are well respected amongst most NomNom communities. Due to this and their strong ties to justice and honor they often attain the roles of leaders. Standing anywhere between 6-10 feet tall they are an imposing race and draw attention anywhere they go…

Excerpts and lore on this and other articles are collected from the NomNom team across
Discord and Social Media. Big thanks to the team for sharing early lore!

The big man himself, Big Daddy Battleship.

He’s lean, he’s mean, he’s…not very good at swimming… however, with his duck floaties, he’s an unstoppable fighting machine/man/shark! Haha 🤘🏻

Gun Head

Justicar Cpt. Kudi of the Harbor District
He’s a modder with a torpedo head, barracuda tail, and one arm but he has an artifact that he uses for a prosthetic! It also makes him quite the force to be reckoned with! He stands about 7ft and is a habitual smoker to deal with the stress of his job.

The Collector
This little guy is a Treasure hunter of the tech variety, he’s become addicted to the
entertainment of old civilizations!

Tavern owner in Mt. City. Roughly 6′ 8″ with a stocky build. He is on the shorter end for modders.

These were first seen on Patreon as reward sketch cards.