Ziegler is a member of the Nothing race. Nothings are called such because no one has ever seen what their physical appearance truly is. They are an intellectual and ingenious race. They love learning, taking things apart, and putting them back together. Ziegler and Belmonti are great examples of the two different kinds of Nothings.
Belmonti is part of the mystical faction. The Mystical faction knows every artifact holds meaning and purpose. Artifacts can be understood, and used in unique ways by these beings.

Ziegler is a part of the mechanical faction. These mechanical-focused Nothings understand that everything can be recreated and replicated. Through scientific theory, they find that all artifacts can be broken apart and understood down to each part.

Ziegler is an Artificer who works in league with the Justicars. He assists as a detective for crime scenes, particularly those in which Artifacts with unknown properties are involved. Ziegler is at the top of the field and called in for his expertise.
The two catagories of Nothings can be visually idetified though how they choose to dress. While they do have mass and form, they are always covered in clothing or contained in a vessel. If they were truly seen they would cease to exist, making living for Nothing’s fairly difficult. They are a very peaceful race who normally keep to themselves and their studies.
Nothings are generally not targeted by advisaries due to being invaluable to the society they contribute to. One can always find a Nothing as the lead researcher on projects involving artifacts. There is no race that is better suited at what they do, which has earned them much respect.